About Us

What We’re About

Pembrokeshire Care was established in 1998 and has been providing high quality care and support to the people of Pembrokeshire for over 22 years.

​We work closely with Pembrokeshire County Council, Hywel Dda Health Board, Direct payments and Self Funders to provide all types of Home-based Care throughout the whole of Pembrokeshire.

We pride ourselves on our person-centred approach, ensuring that each client receives the best possible outcomes by respecting their personal needs, dignity and independence.

Supportive Care

Our Values


The principal focus is on the people that receive and deliver out care.


Being happy makes the lives of our clients and the people who work for us better.


We act with integrity at all times and always do the right thing no matter how difficult that may be.


We act with integrity at all times and always do the right thing no matter how difficult that may be.


We know we are good at what we do and are proud to be part of an organisation that pursues excellence.

Our Team

John Doe

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John Doe

Job Title
Enter description text here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing.

John Doe

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Enter description text here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing.

Supporting our Community

Charity of the Year

blurb, and info on previous charities of the year goes here…
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Maecenas nec nisl gravida, fringilla mi vel, fringilla mauris. Phasellus tristique malesuada lacus nec fermentum. Ut quis mauris et odio eleifend feugiat in non neque.

Proin non eros non mi aliquam euismod vel sit amet quam. In sed porta leo. Duis eu consequat lorem.

Expression of Interest

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